The Ministry of Agriculture developed the “Concept of Priority Directions of Development of the Agrarian Science in the Republic of Armenia (2009-2013)”. The extent of its translation into action is not yet known. In essence, the public extension system in Armenia comprises three national level players, namely Agricultural Support Republic Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Armenian State Agrarian University, and Agricultural Research Centers, and a network of Regional Agricultural Support Centers.
Besides the United States, some other donors that have provided financial and technical assistance to the agriculture sector of Armenia, include: World Bank (Rural Enterprise and Small-Scale Commercial Agriculture Development (RESCAD); Armenia Pilot Agricultural Census Implementation Support; Irrigation System Enhancement Project; Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project), Asian Development Bank (ADB-Women’s Entrepreneurship Support Sector Development Program), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO–Technical and Institutional Support to Veterinary Services in Armenia; Development of Open Air Food Retail Markets in Armenia; Support for Pesticide Quality Control and Residue Monitoring in Armenia; Virtual Extension, Research and Communication Network- VERCON), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD–Agricultural Services Project; Irrigation Rehabilitation Project; North-West Agricultural Services Project). Germany and Japan have also provided assistance.
Public Institutions
Ministry of Agriculture (English version of the website is under construction; detailed information is available in Russian)
The agricultural extension system in Armenia is by and large public, and the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for its operation. The organizational structure of the Ministry shows a Science, Education and Consulting Department. The following two organs of the Ministry are managing extension services:
- Agricultural Support Republic Center, CJSC (click on Translate into English in Google)
The Agricultural Support Republic Center (ASRC) is a national level organization, established by the government in 2002. The mandate of the ASRC is to facilitate and support capacity building for researcher-advisor-farmer linkages by providing information and advice on the latest research and technology achievements. ASRC closely works with the provincial/regional (marz) Agricultural Support Centers, local government bodies, research centers, agricultural enterprises, and certain international agencies. Based on a survey of research priority needs conducted in 2010, the ASRC, working in collaboration with the Agricultural Support Centers and researchers, had completed over 950 projects. Results of the survey were conveyed to the farmers through fact sheets, newspapers, magazines, and television. The ASRC maintains a database on researchers and technology assessment, and has been developing VERCON (Virtual Extension, Research, and Communication Network) with the assistance of FAO to establish links between research and extension institutions.
- Agricultural Support Centers
The Agricultural Support Centers (ASCs) are located in all 10 marzs, offering consultancy services to farmers. According to a 2010 report, 145 Village Agents are working at ASCs. They provide consultancy services to 916 communities of all the marzs. Priority topics are determined by needs assessment surveys conducted with involvement of farmers. The staff of agricultural research institutes and the Armenian State Agrarian University is actively involved in rendering advisory services. The number of diverse advisory services offered by them during 2007 included 25,650 consultations and 2,361 marketing interventions. In addition, 679 pieces of different extension materials were published.
- Armenian State Agrarian University
The Armenian State Agrarian University (ASAU), also known as Armenian National Agrarian University, is an important institution in the agricultural system of Armenia. The ASAU was originally the Armenian Agricultural Academy, founded in 1994 through merger of the Armenian Agricultural Institute and the Zoo-Veterinary Institute. It not only prepares graduates in as many as 36 different agricultural disciplines to fulfill human resources needs in the agriculture sector, but also participates in policy formulation, capacity building and reform activities of agricultural institutions including agricultural extension, consulting and advisory services. The university has excellent physical facilities, and maintains two experimental/demonstration farms in Kotayq and Armavir marzs. The university collaborates with bi-lateral and multi-lateral donor agencies and with leading European universities in various academic and development activities.
The Agribusiness Teaching Center (ATC) is one of several academic departments of the university. It was established in 2002, with the joint efforts of the Armenian State Agrarian University, USDA and the Texas A&M University. The ATC offers a diploma program in agribusiness and marketing, as well as Master’s and Doctoral Degree programs. There is an internship and an outreach program. Also, some visiting professors from the Texas A&M University also teach at ATC under partnership between the two academic institutions.
- Agricultural Research Centers
Armenia has a significant number of regional Agricultural Research Centers (ARCs), which were established within the framework of the World Bank-financed Agricultural Reform Support Project, and are located in all of its marzs, covering different research areas. A few examples are: Research Center for Agriculture and Plant Protection, Ejmiatsin; Research Center for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Nor Geghi, Kotaiq Region; Research Center for Grape, Fruit Growing and Wine-making, Merdzavan, Armavir Region; Research Center for Vegetables and Technical Crops, Darakert, Masis Region; Research Center for Soil Science, Agro Chemistry and Melioration, Yerevan; and the Research Station for Bee Keeping, Arinj, Yerevan.
It has been mentioned in a report that many of these research institutes have extension units. However, there is no evidence of the functions of such units if they exist at all. Apart from this issue, all research centers collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture extension centers in the field as well as with the extension activities of the Armenian State Agrarian University. The contribution of the research centers to extension is assumed to be the provision of technical subject-matter materials, backstopping and program planning along with the extension staff.
Non-Public Institutions
Private sector
Although agricultural extension in Armenia is mostly public yet the words JSC (joint-stock company) attached to certain institutions’ names give the impression that the private sector is engaged in extension work as business for profit. This is because many NGOs as well as private companies, are owned and empowered by the government, and many times funded by international donors, not only in Armenia but most ex-Soviet Bloc countries. It is, however, not to conclude that there is no real private sector in Armenia, because many companies do exist that deal in agro-processing and other businesses. A few examples of various types of private firms are as follows:
VISTAA claims to be an Armenian private extension advisory organization, but it is more like a hybrid of a national NGO and a consulting firm engaged in volunteer as well as contract-based service for the farmers. This organization is looking for opportunities to provide specific fee-based technical services (such as feasibility studies, community-based training, designing software applications, preparation of business plans, and program monitoring) to donors and donor-funded projects in Armenia.
VISTAA was created in 1996 to work on the same lines as VOCA (Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance), an international NGO, which was working on a USAID-funded project in Armenia soon after its independence. The only difference being that unlike VOCA’s expatriate staff, the VISTAA chose to have only Armenian staff. Presently, VISTAA maintains a database of more than 160 advisers available at short notice to serve clients in any part of Armenia. These advisors are both experienced and are old crop and livestock specialists from the Soviet-era. The young graduates in subjects like business administration and computer science. VISTAA’s clients include farmers, consulting firms and NGOs, both from Armenia and overseas, and bilateral and multilateral donors. According to a 2003 report, VISTAA was serving about 40 individual farmer clients per year, and its activities included on average 15 workshops and eight business development plans. VISTAA works in close collaboration with the government extension staff.
- Eco-Globe LLC
Eco-Globe is a full-fledged organic agriculture certification organization in Armenia. It has been accredited by DAP for EU market and by USDA National Organic Program, and provides a range of services such as organic certification, independent on-site inspections, development of standards training of inspectors, and other certification bodies from other countries.
- Shen’s Organic Agricultural Extension Service
Shen is a pioneer in introducing organic agricultural practices in Armenia aiming at the creation of a new sustainable and environmentally friendly income source for Armenian rural households. He disseminated information on organic agriculture to farmers’ groups and individual farmers from 2000 to 2012 with financial support of HEKS-EPER (Switzerland) and the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). Others donors like Chene-France, EED (Germany), ICCO (Netherlands), UNDP GE, and Regional Council of Ile –de-France also co-funded the project.
Shen started his Organic Agricultural Extension Service in 2005. So far, it has provided 1,300 small holders with free-of-charge training and consultancy services in organic agriculture. The activities include site visits, seminars, consultations on solving operational problems, and methods for using approved bio-preparations, plant infusions, organic fertilizers application, etc. The Service has also developed an internal control system that makes the certification service accessible for especially smallholders, which has led to the establishment of two groups of farmers willing to share the certification fee.
- Agro-business companies
There are many well-established, successful agro-business companies in Armenia. They process agricultural produce and manufacture a variety of products for sale in the domestic and overseas markets. A few examples of such companies are given below, but none of them shows any involvement in extension and advisory work for the producers:
- Yerevan Brewery: (produces beer of different shades; since 2000, also started producing fruit juices, jams, etc.)
- EuroTerm CJSC: (produces natural juices and sterilized milk in collaboration with a Swedish company)
- Arpa Alco LLC: (produces grape wines and fruit wines)
- Bari Samaratsi LLC: (meat processing company; produces over 70 meat products)
- Dustr Marianna LLC: (dairy processing company)
- Alishan LLC: (fruit and vegetable processing)
- Agrospasarkum CJSC: (specializes in cattle breeding, production of dairy products, construction of rural cottages, among others)
- Dustr Melania LLC: (specializes in cheese production from high quality milk)
Non-governmental organizations
There are many active NGOs in Armenia, and a significant number of them are involved in agriculture, rural development, environment, and capacity building activities. As many NGOs serve rural population, it is assumed that they are also engaged, directly or indirectly, in providing extension and advisory services free of cost to farmers. Some of the NGOs were created in the aftermath of major donor-funded projects like the well known USDA/USAID Marketing Assistance Project (MAP), which had 13-year life and made solid contributions towards establishing extension institutions in Armenia. As the number of relevant NGOs is quite large, only a few examples are given below. A database on NGOs in Armenia may be seen at
- Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development Foundation (CARD)
As the Marketing Assistance Project in Rumania phased out, the CARD was created in 2005 by the Texas A&M University to continue key institution building work originally started by the project. The mission of CARD is to assist farmers and agribusinesses in the production and marketing of food and related products to increase incomes and create jobs leading to sustainable livelihoods for rural populations. The NGO claims to work from the farm gate to the marketplace with farmer groups, rural agribusinesses, food processors, exporters, and retailers. CARD comprises program departments of agribusiness and marketing, rural development, and special projects. It has been working on several projects in collaboration with the USDA, Louisiana State University, and U.S. Farm Credit Administration.
- International Center for Agribusiness Research and Education (ICARE)
Like CARD NGO, ICARE was also created by the Texas A&M University in 2005. Main objective of creating ICARE was to administer the operations of the Agribusiness Teaching Center (ATC), the Career Development and Counseling Center, the Research and Outreach Development Center, and the Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, all in collaboration with the Armenian State Agrarian University.
- Eco-Globe Environmental NGO
The Eco-Globe is located in Yerevan. Its mission is to facilitate the implementation of international development agreements in Armenia, to boost up the development of organic agriculture, and to advocate consumers’ ecological rights. This NGO is also involved in capacity building and training.
- Green Lane
Created in 2004, Green Lane is dedicated to Armenia’s organic foods and agricultural development. This NGO works with agricultural cooperatives and farmers’ groups. Its vision is supporting farmer cooperation and development of commercial farming in the country.
- Foundation of Applied Research and Agribusiness
This NGO covers both agriculture and education sectors. Its mission is to contribute to agricultural development, improvement of social conditions in rural communities, foster agribusiness development, and to promote the upgrading of skills of specialists and students of agriculture. Examples of projects operated by this NGO are pre-production and marketing of vegetable crops, integrated measures against diseases and pests of crops, and research on deep-laid water sources.
Farmers-based associations, cooperatives and societies
Farmers-based associations and agricultural cooperatives in Armenia are considered as basically the same institutions. Cooperatives were established in 1993 when farmers were trying to increase their bargaining power in the purchase of inputs and marketing of produce. There was no law on cooperatives till 2008, and it is not sure whether one has been passed by now. Similarly, farmers started organizing themselves into associations as early as 1994, following which Armenian Farmer Association, Armenian Agricultural Union, National Union of Farmers, Association of Potato Producers, and several others, were formed. However, most of them performed poorly for various reasons and were liquidated. However, there are still many active farmers’ associations in the country. Their specific activities regarding extension are not known as they mostly depend on the public extension system, but they do play an important supportive role in enhancing member farmers’ knowledge and skills, and facilitating the marketing of produce and agro-processing. Some of the associations and cooperatives are localized or built around single commodity of members’ mutual interest and benefit. A few examples are given below.
- Federation of Agricultural Associations
The Federation of Agricultural Associations (FAA) was established in 2002. FAA provides support to its member farmers in services such as market research, input procurement, book-keeping, accounting, farm management, and advocacy related to tax issues. It promotes coordination among the members in the interest of efficiency, and collaborates with relevant organizations. It also helps in the formation of new farmers’ associations, and procures inputs at discounted rates. Organizations like Dai-ASME (Development Alternatives, Inc.), OXFam Novib, and ICCO (Inter-Charge Charity Organization) have been supporting the FAA in strengthening its various aspects.
- Beekeepers and Farmers’ Association of Artik
This association aims at the following: promotion of apiculture and farming; solving problems in the field, and fostering marketing of produce; investing in new technologies and promoting relevant information, education and consultation; contributing to the development of sustainable production in Shirak marz.
- Armenian Agrarian Peasants’ Union
The Union considers itself an NGO, and has the following mandate: to promote reforms in agriculture and farming; to coordinate efforts of members to improve the quality of agricultural products and their marketability; to promote cooperation for the realization of agricultural products and encourage small and medium enterprise development in rural areas; to develop marketing relationships; inform members about tax regulations; to implement projects for economic development of rural communities; and to provide information and training to its members.
- SATSIL Seed Producers Association
Its mission is to unite seed producers in the country and improve the quality of the seed supplied to farms and individual farmers, and to promote application of new technologies in agriculture.
- Association of Farmers of Armenia (Hay Farmers)
- Water User Associations (several hundred in number)
- Organic Food Producers and Consumers Association (OFPCA)
The pre-service education in agricultural disciplines including extension may be pursued at the following academic institutions:
- Armenian State Agrarian University, Yerevan
- Yerevan Agricultural University, LLC, Yerevan
In-service training for extension staff may be arranged at the following institutions:
- Armenian State Agrarian University, Yerevan
- Yerevan Agricultural University, LLC, Yerevan
- The Agribusiness Teaching Center, Armenian State Agrarian University, Yerevan
- Agricultural Research Centers, depending on the agricultural commodity in which in-service training is needed
- International Center for Agribusiness Research and Education (ICARE)
- Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development Foundation (CARD)
- At one of the 10 National Agricultural Colleges located in seven marzs (at Nor Geghi, Yerevan, Gavar, Stepanavan, Vanadzor, Gyumri/Shirak, Armavir, Goris, Masis, and Spitak)
At the peak of the Soviet-era Armenia’s growth as the location of science, research and high-tech manufacturing in 1987, the science and technology sector is said to have employed about 100,000 specialists. After independence, in spite of huge economic and some other problems, Armenia has been prospering in ICT sector. There is Yerevan University of Management and Information Technologies, offering degree programs in ICT related disciplines. Then, there is the European Regional Institute of Information and Communication Technologies located in Yerevan. The Armenian Government has declared ICT sector as a key priority for its economic development. An ICT Master Strategy has also been prepared.
According to the World Bank in 2011, the number of mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people) in Armenia was 103.56. During the same year, the number of Internet users (per 100 people) in the country was 32. The American University of Armenia hosted the “Tech Needs Girls” forum, which was organized in celebration of the International Girls in ICT Day in 2013. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has implemented three projects from 1999 to 2004. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has implemented a project on Virtual Extension, Research and Communication Network- VERCON.
Till now, four ICT applications have been made in Armenia in support of extension: (1) the implementation of FAO’s VERCON project; (2) a private company VISTAA maintaining a database of 160 extension advisers; (3) The Agricultural Support Republic Center of the Ministry of Agriculture maintaining a database of researchers and technology assessment; (4) The Agricultural Support Republic Center of the Ministry of Agriculture operating AgroWeb website to disseminate marketing information to the public. The above mentioned positive ICT related developments are promising and it is expected that extension and advisory services will also benefit from the ICT progress in a substantial way.
Grigoryan, A. (2007). Linking Small-Scale Farmers to Local and Export Markets through Farmer Associations: Cost [Case] of Milk, Fruit and Vegetable Producers of Armenia. PowerPoint presentation made at the Regional Seminar on Changing Agri-Food Markets’ Impact upon Small-Scale Farmers, held at Warsaw; November 8-9, 2007
Grigoryan, A., T. Hakhnazaryan, and N.A. Kwapong (2008). Farmers Organization in the Development of Agriculture in the South Caucasus: Case of Armenia. Paper prepared for presentation at the ICA Research Conference 2008 on The Role of Co-operatives in Sustaining Development and Fostering Social Responsibility, held at Trento, Italy; 15-18 October, 2008
Grigoryan, A., V. Urutyan, and T. Hakhnazaryan (2007). Increasing Presence of Farmer Associations in Local and Export Markets: Case of Armenian Milk, Fruit and Vegetable Producers. Paper prepared for presentation at the Regional Seminar on Changing Agri-Food Markets’ Impact upon Small-Scale Farmers: Results of Re-governing Markets Project, held at Warsaw University, Poland; November 8-9, 2007
Harutunyan, A., M. Nikoghosyan, and P. Sommers (2003). VISTAA--a private extension organization in Armenia. BeraterInnen News 2/2003, Pp. 56-60
Houseman, I. (2010). The development of advisory services in Armenia: Cost recovery issues. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the South African Society for Agricultural Extension, South Africa; 4-7 May, 2010
Kasarjyan, M., G. Buchenrieder, J. Fritzsch, and A. Wolz (May 2009). Information and Communication Needs Assessment of National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems and their Stakeholders in Armenia. Project TCP/ARM/3103 funded by FAO; draft final report
Miller, B. (work in progress). Dysfunctional Institutions – Agrogitaspiur. Chapter 17 of Vita and Armenia Memoir. Available at:
Sandukhchyan, D. and Y. Misnikov (2004). Evaluation Report of UNDP Armenia ICT-for-Development Program: e-Governance System for Territorial Administrations (ARM/02/012); Support to Information Society and Democratic Governance (ARM/01/001); International Assistance Database for Armenia (ARM/99/005)
Scannell, N.J., J.G. Newton, and R. Ohanian (no date; probably 2001). Viticulture, wine production, and agriculture in Armenia: Economic sectors in transition. The Journal of Applied Business Research, Volume 18, Number 4; Pp. 13-23
Shen NGO (2012). Milestones of Organic Agriculture in Armenia
Tumanian, R. (October 2006). Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profiles: Armenia
UNEP (2012). Green Economy Advisory Services: Armenia
USAID (2011). ICT Country Profile: Armenia 2011. Regional Competitiveness Initiative
Vanyan, A., J. Hanson, and I. Houseman (2009). Assessing the Impact of the Agricultural Advisory System in Armenia. In Theory and Practice of Advisory Work in a Time of Turbulences; XIX European Seminar on Extension education, held at Assisi, Perugia, Italy; 15-19 September, 2009
World Bank (November 2007). Integrating Environment into Agriculture and Forestry: Progress and Prospects in Eastern Europe and Central Asia; Volume II; Armenia; Country Review
Yaralyan, N. (2011). VERCON: ICT Strengthening Agricultural Research and Extension in Armenia. FAO Representation in Armenia
- Authored by M. Kalim Qamar (July 2013)
- Edited by Burton E. Swanson
Key Statistics and Indicators
Indicator |
Value |
Year |
Agricultural land (sq km) Agricultural land (% of land area) Arable land (hectares) Arable land (% of land area) Arable land (hectares per person) |
17,106 60.06 430,200 15.10 0.14 |
2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 |
Fertilizer consumption (kg per hectare of arable land) |
29.17 |
2009 |
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) Food production index (2004-2006 = 100) Food exports (% of merchandise exports) Food imports (% of merchandise imports) |
20.47 116.28 19.23 19.75 |
2012 2012 2012 2012 |
GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) |
3720 |
2012 |
Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24) Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24) Ratio of young literate females to males (% ages 15-24) Ratio of female to male secondary enrollment (%) |
99.55 99.82 99.69 100.13 102.29 |
2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 |
Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) |
103.56 32 |
2011 2011 |
Population, total Population density (people per sq. km of land area) Rural population Rural population (% of total population) Agricultural population (% of total population) Total economically active population Total economically active population in agriculture Total economically active population in agriculture (in % of total economically active population) Female economically active population in agriculture (% of total economically active population in agriculture) |
2,969,081 104.07 1,064,012 35.83 N.A. 1,384,754 N.A.
N.A. |
2012 2011 2012 2012
2011 |
Sources: The World Bank,
Public Sector
- Ministry of Agriculture,
- Agricultural Support Republican Center,
- AgroWeb Armenia,
AgroWeb Armenia is acting as a Virtual Extension and Research Communication Network (VERCON), working in close cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia in linking farmers, agricultural producers, rural communities, researches and extension services in the country.
Based on the conceptual model of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO UN), this network website serves as a model for the countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus region.
There is another website that is also called "Agroweb"
Public Research Institution with Extension Unit
Research Center for Vegetables and Technical Crops
Village of Darakert, Masis region, Armenia
Director - Ms. Gayane Sargsyan
email: biotechlab01(at)
phone: +374 236 40892
Research Center of Stock-Breeding and Veterinary
Nor Geghi, Kotaiq region, Armenia,
Director - Mr. Khachik Sargsyan,
Contact person - Ms. Varduhi Hakobyan (Researcher),
e-mail: varduhihakobyan(at),
phone: +374 023 661462
Research Center for Grape and Fruit Growing and Wine-making
Village of Merdzavan, Armavir region, Armenia,
Director - Mr. Firdus Harutyunyan,
phone: (+374 10) 734321, 777549
Research Center for Soil Science, Agro-Chemistry and Melioration
24 Isakov St., Yerevan, Armenia,
Director - Mr. Hunan Ghazaryan,
phone: +374 10 778890
Research Center for Agriculture and Plant Protection
1 Isi-Lemoulino, Echmiatsin, Armenia,
Director - Mr. Hrachya Hovsepyan,
Phone: (+374 231) 53454, 52320
Research Station for Bee keeping
Arinj, Yerevan, Armenia,
Director - Mr. Rafik Harutyunyan,
Phone: +374 10 626650
Armavir Agricultural Support Marz Center
71 Abovyan st. Armavir
/0237/2-05-42, 2-26-09
Ararat Agricultural Support Marz Center
34 Shahumyan st. Ararat
Tel+(374 238) 4 11 93, 4 10 84
Lori Agricultural Support Marz Center
7, Shahumyan st. Spitak
Tel: (0255) 2 -25- 96
Gegharqunik Agricultural Support Marz Center
13, Sayadyan st. Gavar, Gegharqunik, RA
Tel: (0264)30096, (0264)60204
Fax: (0264)30097
Shirak Agricultural Support Marz Center
Akhuryan village, Shirak, RA
Tel: (0312) 70814, (0312) 70641
Fax: (0312) 70814
Syunik Agricultural Support Marz Center
3, Mashtotsi st. Goris, Syunik, RA
Tel: 0284. 2.24.35., 2.58.06
Fax 2.10.35.
Tavush Agricultural Support Marz Center
5/12 Meliqbekyanst., Ijevan, Tavush, RA
Tel./fax: /+374 263/ 3 39 67
Cell: . /098/ 21 21 24
Vayots Dzor ASRC
5, Shahumyan st. Eghegnadzor
Tel: 0281 2 46 33,0281 2 26 92
Fax 0281 2 01 02
University-based Extension
Armenian State Agrarian University
0009 Yerevan, Teryan st. 74
Tel.(3741) 52 23 61
Department of Agricultural Extension
0009 Yerevan, Teryan st. 74
Tel.(3741) 52 23 61
- International Center for Agribusiness Research and Education,
- Armenian Platform for Sustainable Agriculture (APSA) "is an initiative launched in January 2009 by the International Center for Agribusiness Research and Education and the Swiss College of Agriculture to contribute to the sustainable agricultural development of Armenia involving different stakeholders of the agri-food chain.
Farmer Based Organizations
Federation of Agricultural Associations
Department of Training, Research and Consulting
FAA Executive Director - Nazeli Vardanyan
61a, Vantyan st. Yerevan, RA
Tell: (374-10) 77 88 70, 77 88 07
Stepanavan Farmer Association
Levon Grigoryan
Village Vardablur, Lori, RA
Tel: (056) 32405
Tavush Farmer Association
9, Ankakhutyan st. Ijevan, RA
Tel: (374 263) 32184
Fax: (374 263) 32184
Cell (374 91) 203102
Kapan Small Farmer Association
Armine Hakobyan 3, Tumanyan st. Apt 18, Kapan
Tell: (374 285) 2 72 76
Fax: (374 285) 2 25 60
Private Sector
CARD Agro-Service CJSC
1/21, 40 Azatutyan ave, 0037 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Tel: (374 10) 56-00-14, 52-52-34, Fax: (374 10) 58-79-28
WEB site:
Mary Nikoghosyan, Director12 Tumanyan Str., Apt. 4, 0001, Yerevan, ArmeniaE-mail:
Tel: (374-10) 563-835, 563-836
Fax (374-10) 567-506
Non-Governmental Organizations Providing Extension Services
Agropress (15 staff in 2009)Armenian Platform for Sustainable Agriculture (APSA)
International Center for Agribusiness Research and Education
Address: 74 Teryan St. Yerevan 0009
Tel: (37410) 522839, 564177
Fax: (37410) 566221
Green Lane Agricultural Assistance Non-Governmental Organization
16/29 Heratsi St., Yerevan 0025, RA,
Tell: (+37410)575779
Armenian Foresters' Association
Karen Ter-Ghazarian (President)
35, Moskovian St, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 375002
(3741) 53 07 52; 56 63 35; 58 36 55;
"The Green Land" non governmental organization
Sos Sargsyan (Chairman)
Ruben Petrosyan (Executive director)
26a Amirian st. Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 375002
(3741) 53-62-33;
(3741) 53-68-31
"EcoGlobe" non governmental organization
Organic Agriculture
Nune Darbinyan (President)
Hrach Ashikyan (Executive director)
18 Mkhitar Heratsi st. apt. 3, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 375002
(3741) 57-55-27
Tavush Food
Karapet Ghulijanyan
Tavush, RA
Tell:(374 266) 5 29 88
Cell: (374 93) 18 96 49
Related Resources
Jeffrey Engels and Gagik Sardaryan, USDA CARD Program, Armenia: Unlocking the Export Potential of Armenia's Landlocked Dairy Sector Case Study Presentation. Click here to view video presentationJamey Butcher, USAID / Armenia Micro Enterprise Development Initiative (MEDI), Chemonics International, Armenia: Maximizing Return on Investment: A Low Cost / High Impact Approach to Linking Producers to Markets in Armenia's Northern Economic Corridor
Case Study Presentation Click here to view video presentation