Public SectorMinistry of Agriculture and Fisheries, (A completed survey has not yet been received) "MAF is the principal
organisation which provides regulatory and technical advice, training,
and support for subsistence farmers, commercial farmers,
agri-processors, and exporters to effectively manage and use the
potential in agriculture and fisheries for food security, income
generating opportunities, commercial development, and sustainable
management of resources. MAF's vision is: Self sufficiency in food and
increased income generating opportunities in farming" (retrieved 5/18/2011)
No indication as to which unit handles agricultural extension. Institute for Research Extension and Training in Agriculture, IRETAat the University of the South Pacific, Faculty of Business and Economics,"The Institute of Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture embodies the University of the South Pacific’s mandate to address the needs and challenges facing agriculture development in the Pacific. IRETA was established in 1980 as an Institute of the University of the South Pacific (USP). IRETA’s vision is to provide quality living for the rural communities through agricultural development. It’s mission statement is to contribute to the sustainable growth and development of the Pacific Island Countries by responding appropriately to their needs for research, extension and training in agriculture." IRETA with SAFT, its ALO Network, partners and various stakeholders continues to produce and disseminate relevant information through accessible and affordable means.
IRETA ‘s Development Media strives to strengthen extension services through the production and wide distribution of relevant information. The regional newsletter South Pacific Agricultural News (SPAN) and the Journal of South Pacific Agriculture (JOSPA) are flagship publications and example of IRETA’s efforts. ALO Department,"The ALO network is made up of 10 Agricultural
Liaison Officers from around the Pacific. These countries include Cook
Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon
Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. The ALOs provide a two way link
between IRETA and agricultural ministries, farmers and other
organizations within their countries. The ALO networks main goal is to
'Strengthen national research and extension activities and improve
national agricultural information and communication services in the
Pacific region' The Agricultural Liasion Officers (ALO) network began its operation in 1983 as two way linkage between IRETA and the USP member countries. The Network has 10 ALOs and remains the corner stone of IRETA's outreach program in information sharing and dissemination to its stakeholders within and between the P-ACP member nations. Apart from an annual ALO meeting to review its current year's achievements and plan the following year's programs, the ALO's also contribute to IRETA's South Pacific Agriculture News (SPAN) that is widely distributed and read throughout the Pacific region. ALOs provide coordinatiion role for most of IRETA activities at the national level. In short, ALO network serves as the "eyes and ears" of IRETA in promoting information exchange and development at the national level.
ALOs and stakeholders have established a site
called Dgroups joining together with IRETA staff as registered members.
The main purpose for the Dgroups is for ALOs and other selected members
to exchange information online and inform all ALOs about IRETAs
forthcoming events on workshops, meetings, study visits, etc and
activities. Dgroups will also help promote IRETA's work in the
Pacific-ACP countries. Through the Dgroups site, ALOs will be able to
communicate much more efficiently with the Ministries of Agriculture and
small farmers who in various role provide the basis for their
agricultural development. For more information regarding Dgroups. Enter ALO Community Space
The ALO's activities include mainly the following
| Still seeking information on extension and advisory services provided by:
University of the South Pacific, USP
"The School of Agriculture and Food Technology (SAFT), under the new academic structure of USP, belongs to the Faculty of Islands and Oceans. SAFT has the mission to assist in meeting the needs and improving the well being of the people of the South Pacific by:
- Providing Agricultural Education to a wide range of people, directly through its teaching programmes and indirectly through the training of teachers and advisers.
- Developing
and adapting new technologies to improve food production and food
productivity and extend opportunities through balanced Rural Development
that is sensitive to long-term community needs for resource conservation and sustainable development.
- Disseminating information throughout the region by face-to-face contact, as well as by extensive use of print and electronic media through collaboration with the Institute of Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture (IRETA).
In line with its mission statement, the School of Agriculture and Food Technology has the following objectives:
- Production of graduates who should be capable of accomplish the following:
- Effectively engage in agricultural production, research, education, and extension services that would provide sustainable solutions to agricultural and rural developmental problems and improve agricultural productivity in the region and beyond.
- Put their acquired knowledge and skills into practice by establishing and gainfully managing their own farms and other agro-allied enterprises, thereby becoming self-employing as well as creating employment for other people.
- Pursue postgraduate studies in their chosen field of agriculture anywhere in the world, in order to be better equipped to serve the national, regional, as well as international agricultural needs.
- Production of middle-level agricultural manpower that would complement and work synergistically with farmers, graduates, and other cadres of agricultural personnel, to achieve national and regional food security goals.
- Localization of training, particularly at the undergraduate levels - to ensure that trained personnel, especially the graduates, acquire the capacity for identifying and prioritising the agricultural needs of their countries and the region. This is in addition to conserving foreign exchange.
- Serving as an effective instrument for the implementation of the policies of the national and regional governments in all areas of agriculture and related sections of the economy, thereby contributing prominently towards overall national and regional development."