Review of Vanuatu’s Agricultural Extension Services:, from New Zealand’s International Aid & Development Agency. 2008. Public Sector
Non-Governmental OrganizationsFarmer Based OrganizationsPrivate Sector Organizations or FirmsRelated Resources | The Role of Agriculture in Vanuatu"Vanuatu land is an island nation with a relatively small land area and population. Only one third of the total cultivable land is presently farmed. Transport services, both inter-island and intra-island are a major constraint to marketing and this to increasing productivity and the volume of production. The Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sector accounts for around 15% of total GDP and for almost all merchandise exports. Vanuatu is still agriculture-based economy with copra, cocoa, kava and cattle continuing to dominate the sector. Since 2003, the agriculture sector has grown at an annual rate of 3.3 percent compared to 2.8 percent growth for the economy and an average population growth rate of 2.6 percent per annum. The domestic market for agricultural products is quite limited. While at least 80 percent of the population reside in the rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihood, productivity, particularly in the traditional crops sector, is quite low. The export of high value specialty commodities, particularly those that are organically grown, represents great potential. In order to increase the penetration of premium niche markets by these commodities, however, the volume of production must be increased. The challenge in agriculture is to increase production and productivity and improve marketing systems and market access for both traditional food crops and high value specialty commodities. The fisheries resources are under-exploited. Improvements in catching, handling and marketing systems and commercialization of the domestic fishing industry are badly needed, but the fisheries resources are probably not sufficient to supply a larger proportion of the protein needs of a rapidly growing population form local stocks and to sustain the limited fisheries resources. Vanuatu posses soils and climate that are conducive to timber production and environment in the world for raising beef cattle. The challenges for this sector will include ensuring replanting of trees at a rate at least equal to the volume being harvested; to foster the utilization of additional species; and to develop additional value-added processing. Developing a sustainable forestry sector will depend on attracting investors for developing larger commercial timber plantations. A parallel opportunity for development lies on organizing and empowering mobile sawmill operators to expand into value adding wood processing."