Latin American Network on Rural Advisory Extension Services (RELASER)- RELASER held its second meeting in Managua, Nicaragua, on 26-28 September. The participants coming from 19 different Latin American countries discussed four key areas: Institutionalism and public-private relations; Extension based on demand and the linking to markets, Extension for small-farmers and poor rural population, and finally Extension as a part of an innovative system.
- RELASER has joined with FORAGRO (Foro de las Américas para la Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Agropecuario) in preparing a common position for GCARD Conference 2012 on 29 October – 1 November in Uruguay.
- More information can be obtained from Francisco
Related ResourcesGood Extension Management Practices in Central America (English version forthcoming, expected February 2012) - Buenas Prácticas en el manejo de Extensión en América Central”, available at:
| Click HERE for an overview of extension in Latin America. |